Flowerpot are a 3 piece all female alternative rock band currently based in Bristol.
A diverse musical background from members Daymond, Mirelle, Baker and Pearce create a bubbling cauldron fuelled with essences of grunge, metal, hard rock infused with a twist of indie.
TRAILHEADS: A two piece rock duo from Bristol. Jack Hayter (Guitar/Vocals) and Ollie Cullimore (Drums) explore the nature of riffage and dive into the modern depths of blues rock. www.facebook.com/trailheadsuk
SANS: Debut gig for Bristol/Trowbridge rockers.
LEIGH HOSKEN: Talented Solo acoustic singer songwriter back in town.
Doors Open: 7.45pm Admission:£5 on the Door
Tickets: £4 + BF from Bristol Ticket Shop, Union Street, Bristol Tel 0117 9299008 www.bristolticketshop.co.uk