
RKoS are delighted to be back at the Thunderbolt courtesy of Auricula Records with a full rock line up of 5 bands for a fiver. As writing for the second album nears completion we will be performing a set of almost entirely new songs plus a couple of old favourites.

Also performing are wych elmRacehorseFalse Flags, and Oceans.

The Real King(s) of Spain: QJB and Doc Satori, aka The Real King(s) of Spain, initially collaborated on a spoken word piece for the Songs of Katrina project in 2011, and then in 2103 started writing tracks which developed into their debut album, The Future of Mass Hysteria. It is a rich and textured recording that explores the pain, anger, fury, injustice, hallucinatory bliss, hope and intoxication of the human spirit. Exploring the dark side of the soul and the depths of the psyche, it is inherently political, polemic and polymorphous.

The Future of Mass Hysteria is informed by their shared political views and a wish to create something new. it comprises electronica, traditional instrumentation, spoken word, sung vocals, downloads, samples and is a mixture of political and artistic material - angry, blissed, provocative, hallucinatory, experimental, poppy, using their experience of previous projects fused with that indefinable ‘magic’ that exists in any successful collaboration. 

Doc and Q have also put together two videos, a live show and a band to promote the album and singles "To Watch Over Me" and “See a Little Light”. They are currently recording their second album which has a noticeably different feel from the first. While it continues to mix spoken and sung vocals and is still rhythmically complex, it relies less on electronica and samples and more on the power of song writing. These new songs already form an important part of the live set.. They develop the themes explored on the first album and weave elements of the current political upheaval and the global fire and fury, disruption and chaos. 

The live band features: Chris Hales (keyboards), Stuart Chalmers (Drums), Doc Satori (vocals/guitar/keyboards), QJB (vocals/bass/guitars/keyboards), Len Liechti (bass and electric guitars, vocals), Luis Maria Cebrian Eroles (keyboards).

Online they can be found at: 

“This is a great album that has clearly been well thought out and has the ability to captivate & intrigue even steadfast purest Music lovers” – Review Mark Venus Music

“They fuse melody and rhythm with an occasionally more discordant score to reflect the nature of the lyrics, which deal with subjects from class antagonism to Dionysian excess and many others in between. Bowie is an influence for sure, and there’s a nod to Eno in the music as well as the more experimental end of post punk …some Second Hand Daylight era Magazine, bits of The Pop Group... and the tunes ain’t half bad” – Bugbear

“ this is somethin' I've been wanting to hear but haven't since Massive Attack or Gorillaz" Seein' them I was reminded of the Pixies; "looking extra ordinary making extraordinary music." A great band, a great album, a great live experience. Proper.” Fan Review