Super sonic power chord punk mash up of Blondie Vs. Pixies - Bugeye are a London 4 piece disco punk band.
If Debbie Harry, Jimi Hendrix, Kate Bush, & Keith Moon had been kidnapped by vegan aliens & bred, sometimes being tortured with hot poky things, in the pursuit of the ultimate rock & roll sound, the result may have sounded a little like this. Blending cherry-liqueur lyrics, bubblegum-kneecap bass electrics, goth-heavy drum compactions & hi-rise guitar sculptures, maybe one day all music will sound this good. But for now Bugeye stand alone.
FOOTBALL FC: Bristol garage punk band
213 PARK AVENUE: Bristol Glam indie poppers!
Admission: £7 on the Door
Tickets: £6Adv from Bristol Ticket Shop, Union Street, Bristol Tel 01179299008