Auricula Presents @ The Thunderbolt 11/05/17
Racehorse - Gruff alternative punk with a keen melodic edge, drawing from a wide palette of influences.
Let's Swim, Get Swimming - Gnarly math rock band formed in the heart of Surrey, taking inspiration from bands like: Totorro, TTNG & Maps and Atlases.
747 - A new fast paced indie rock band.
Radio Silence - 4 piece pop punk/ indie band from Bath with catchy originals and a good selection of covers to draw you in. Influences from Blink 182 , Weezer and the Strokes.
Sour Punch -A three piece punk rock outfit from Bridgwater, Somerset who play everything from modern indie and pop punk to classics that everyone can dance along to.
Doors 7pm - Tickets £5 adv / £6 OTD