THE WORRIED MEN: It’s no surprise to learn that JAMIE THYER’S loyal audience is still growing. When an artist has survived the music industry's whimsical fortunes merely by being themselves, adjectives like charisma, integrity and endurance are obviously appropriate.

JAMIE has entertained audiences for some 30 years with his bold, unique and expressive guitar playing, alongside the likes of ROBERT CRAY, PETER GREEN, JEFFERSON STARSHIP, JOHNNY WINTER et al.

3000 performances of hard gigging and recording, from pub back rooms to festival stages.
Jamie Thyer is always at home with an audience that gets his unique and refreshing message.
Jamie Thyer ............ an artist with a proud history ................ and an exciting future.

Few bands these days are in such great demand as the worried men, why?
" impeccable live reputation" - Venue
" Brilliant" - AWOL Bikers Magazine
" These boys can show 'em all a clean pair of heels" - British Blues Connection
" ... listen to Jamie Thyer how he raped his guitar" - Keys and Chords.

Blues, R&B, Rhythm and Blues
It just doesn't get any better than this!

BELOW THE SALT: Bristol blues merchants!

Doors Open: 7.45pm  Admission:£5 on the Door

Tickets: £4 + BF from Bristol Ticket Shop, Union Street, Bristol                               Tel 0117 9299008