
A night of local indie and heavy rock!

BROTHER RIOT: Cracking two piece modern rock band from Bristol

WITCH HOUSE: Bristol heavy rock...What would Alice Cooper and Black Sabbaths baby look like in 2019 well it looks just like the maccabre twisted world of the Witch House come see the band live and in the flesh Thunderbolt 16/1/19............Keep it Witch

VALENTINA: Bristol indie 3 piece with - Gently off kilter post-prog, science and guitar pedals!

DRIFT WOOD:Drift Wood are a band from the outskirts of Bristol who have a hard rock style. The band have similar sounds to Royal Blood, slaves and Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes.


Doors Open: 7.30pm Admission: £5 on the Door
Tickets: £4 + BF from Bristol Ticket Shop, High Street, Bristol Tel 0117 9299008 www.bristolticketshop.co.uk