
The Flux Capacitors are a three piece vegan rock band from Bristol. Lead guitarist Hazel Winter has headlined Reading Festival, toured Europe, and played the Glastonbury pyramid stage during her time with 80s Art Rock group The Blue Aeroplanes. These are moments she tries to hang on and hug herself to while pushing an amp through the streets of Berlin in a supermarket shopping trolley at bastard o clock in order to play a gig with a couple of 20 year old lads who have basically got her into the band because she’s Got A Car.

“The song-writing is so astute, clever, funny and off the wall that it works brilliantly. The whole artistic freedom, no commercial pressure or expectations make [debut album Courtesan] irresistible and lovably grrrreat... ...Against all the odds, despite breaking every rule in the book, even though they are weird, wired, loopy, mis-matched, wonky and strange – this is probably the best combination of wit, poetry, surf-punk, feminine post-punk blues and existential angst with added sarcasm and feedback that you will hear, this or any year” - Louder Than War


Doors Open: 7.30pm Admission: £5 on the Door

Tickets: £4 + BF from Bristol Ticket Shop, High Street, Bristol Tel 0117 9299008 www.bristolticketshop.co.uk