• The Thunderbolt (map)
  • 124 Bath Road
  • Bristol, BS4 3ED
  • UK

Borrowed Atlas

Semi-retired fair-weather post-punk noise-rock sad-gaze three-piece making a comeback after an extended parent related hiatus.



Bath based lo-fi, reminiscent of early 80s Indie and Post-Punk, Ambient, Noise, and generally experimental forms of music. It's sprawling, prolific and largely home recorded discography will reward any listener who has the patience to plunge into it's depths.

Recently expanded to a two piece line up for live shows, Ravetank is aiming to bring it's older tunes to a wider audience and has recently put out a live album entitled 'Echoes From Feedback Mountain', showing exactly where the band wants to go next in 2024 with it's jangly, C86 style guitars, brief songs reminiscent of Guided By Voices, and slabs of Space Rock and Harsh Noise inspired walls of sound.


Frankie Delta

Leave your expectations at the door, and come the fuck in. Unapologetically in your face, Frankie Delta’s gritty sound combines raw punk spirit, pounding grunge riffs, and hooky pop melodies to create an infectious soundscape.

Their songs are all politically-charged, drenched in emotion and oozing with the tell-tale grunge sound that Bristol is starting to recognise as Frankie’s own.

TICKETS: https://hdfst.uk/e100539